
Rosa 'A Whiter Shade Of Pale' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Absolutely Fabulous' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Albertine' Ra 4L £12.00
Rosa 'All Gold' Climber 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Aloha' Clg 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Alpine Sunset' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Amber Queen' 'Harroony' Fl 4L £12.00
Rosa 'American Pillar' Ra 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Baroness Prevost' 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Baroness Rothchild' 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Bathsheba' Clg C4 £12.00
Rosa 'Black Baccara' HT 4L £15.00
Rosa 'Blanche Double de Coubert' R C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Blessings' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Blue Moon' CLG 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Blue Moon' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Bobolink' Min 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Bonica' 'Medomonac' GC 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Boscobel' (Auscousin) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Buff Beauty' HM 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Burgundy Ice  'Prose' Fl 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Caprice de Meilland' HT C4 £15.00
Rosa 'Chandos Beauty' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Charles de Mills' G 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Chicago Peace' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Chinatown' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Claire Austin' Clg C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Climbing Arthur Bell' ClF 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Compassion' ClHT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Compte de Chambord' DPo 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Congratulations' Korlift HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Constance Spry' ClS 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Dame Judi Dench' (Ausquaker) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Danse du Feu' ClF 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Darcey Bussell'  (Ausdecorum) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Dawn Chorus'  'Dicquasar' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Deep Secret' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Diamond Jubilee' C4 £15.00
Rosa 'Dreaming Spires' Cl 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Dutch Gold' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Eglantyne' (Ausmak) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Emily Bronte' (Ausearncorum) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Emily Gray' Ra 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Ena Harkness' HT 4L £15.00
Rosa 'English Miss' F 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Especially for You' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Eustacia Vye' (Ausegon) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Fantin-Latour' Ce 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Ferdinand Pichard' Bb 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Fern's Rose' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa 'First Blush' (Mainauduft) HT C4 £15.00
Rosa 'For your Eyes Only' FL C4 £15.00
Rosa 'Fragrant Cloud' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Fragrant Delight' F 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Frilly Cuff' 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Gabriel Oak' (Auscrowd) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Gaujard' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Gentle Hermione'  'Ausrumba' C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Gertrude Jekyll' (Ausbord) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Golden Celebrations  'Ausgol C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Golden Jubilee' 'Cocagold' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Golden Memories' Min 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Golden Tribute' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Golden Wedding' 'Arokris' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Golden Wings' S C4 £15.00
Rosa 'Good as Gold'  'Chewsunbeam' 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Harlow Carr' (Aushouse) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Harry Wheatcroft' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Iceberg' CLG 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Iceberg' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa 'It's a Wonderful Life' 4L £12.00
Rosa 'James Galway' (Auscrystal) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Joie de Vivre' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Julia's Rose' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Just Joey' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Kent' (Poulcov) SGC C4 £15.00
Rosa 'Korresia' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Lady of Shalott' (Ausnyson) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Lichfield Angel' (Ausrelate) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Louise Odier' Bb 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Lovers' Meeting' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Lovers Meeting' CLGHT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Lovestruck' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Loving Memory' 'Korgund' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Madame Alfred Carrire' N 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Madame Pierre Oger' Bb C4 £15.00
Rosa 'Margaret Merril'  'Harkuly' F 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Missing You' 4L £12.00
Rosa 'National Trust' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'New Dawn' Clg 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Nostalgia' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Olivia Rose Austin' (Ausimix) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Othello' 'Auslo' S 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Pascali' 'Lenip' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Paul's Himalayan Musk' Ra 4L £14.00
Rosa 'Paul's Scarlet Climber' ClR 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Peaudouce' 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Penelope' C4 £15.00
Rosa 'Phyllis Bide' Ra C4 £15.00
Rosa 'Piccadilly' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Pink Cloud' Clg 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Pink Iceberg'  FL 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Pink Peace' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Pink Perptu' Clg 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Pink Shower' Ra 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Pink Swany' (Meifafiot) C4 £15.00
Rosa 'Polar Star' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Port Sunlight' (Auslofty) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Pretty Polly'  'Meitonje' Mi 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Prima Ballerina' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Prince Jardinier' (Meitronii) C4 £15.00
Rosa 'Princess Alexandra of Kent' C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Princess Anne' (Auskitchen) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Pure Poetry' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Queen Elizabeth' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Queen of Sweeden' (Austiger) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Rambling Rector' Ra 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Rambling Rosie' Ra 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Red Devil'  'Dicam' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Reine des Violettes' HP 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Remember Me'  'Cocdestin' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Renaissance' 'Hazart' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Rhapsody In Blue' 'Frantasia' 4L £15.00
Rosa 'Roald Dahl' (Ausowlich) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Roseraie de l'Ha' Ru 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Royal Airforce' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Royal William'  'Korzaun' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Ruby Anniversary' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Ruby Wedding' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Saint Swithun' (Auswith) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Scepterd Isle'  'Ausland' S C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Schoolgirl' CLG 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Secret Smile' Fl 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Silas Marner' (Ausraveloe) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Silver Anniversary' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Silver Wedding' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Simply the Best' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Sir John Betjemen' (Ausvivid) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Souvenir du Docteur Jamain' 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Starlight Express' CLG 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Strawberry Hill' (Ausrimini) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Summer Song' (Austango) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Sunblest'  'Landora' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Super Star'  'Tanorstar' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Super Trouper' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Susan Williams-Ellis' (Ausqu) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Swan Lake' 'Macmed' Clg 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Swany' (Meiburenac) GC C4 £15.00
Rosa 'Sweet Dream'  'Fryminicot' Pa 4L £12.00
Rosa 'The Albrighton Rambler' (Ausm C4 £28.00
Rosa 'The Generous Gardener' (Ausdr C4 £28.00
Rosa 'The Lark Ascending' (Ausursul C4 £28.00
Rosa 'The Pilgrim' (Auswalker) Clg C4 £28.00
Rosa 'The Poet's Wife' (Auswhirl) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'The Prince's Trust' (Harholdi C4 £15.00
Rosa 'The Shepherdess' (Austwist) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Thinking of You' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Thomas A' Becket' (Auswinston C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Tranquillity' (Ausnoble) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Tuscany Superb' G 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Twice in a Blue Moon' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Uncle Walter' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Vanessa Bell' (Auseasel) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Warm Welcome'  'Cherwizz' ClM 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Warm Wishes'  'Fryxotic' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Wedding Day' Ra C4 £15.00
Rosa 'Wendy Cussons' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Whisky Mac' 'Tanky' HT C4 £15.00
Rosa 'White Diamond' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa 'White Symphony' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa 'Wildeve' (Ausbonny) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Winschoten' (Meiafone) C4 £15.00
Rosa 'Wisley 2008' (Ausbreeze) C4 £28.00
Rosa 'Wollerton Old Hall' (Ausblank C4 £28.00
Rosa 'You're Beautiful' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa Alexander  'Harlex' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa Baby Masquerade  'Tanba' Min 4L £12.00
Rosa banksia 'Lutea' Rad 5L £38.00
Rosa Beautiful Sunrise PACLG 4L £12.00
Rosa Breath Of Life  'Harquanne' CL 4L £12.00
Rosa Champagne Cocktail  'Horflash 4L £12.00
Rosa Creme de la Creme CLG 4L £12.00
Rosa Double Delight  'Andeli' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa Evelyn Fison 'Macev' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa Fellowship  'Harwelcome' F 4L £12.00
Rosa Freedom  'Dicjem' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa glauca Rubrifolia 4L £12.00
Rosa Handel  'Macha' CLGHT 4L £12.00
Rosa Hot Chocolate Wekpaltez' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa Intrigue  'Korlech' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa Lavender Lassie FL 4L £12.00
Rosa Lilli Marlene 'Korlima' FL 4L £12.00
Rosa Magic Carpet  'Jaclover' SG 4L £12.00
Rosa Mountbatten  'Harmantelle' F 4L £12.00
Rosa Peace  'Madame A Meilland' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa pimpinellifolia 17cm £15.00
Rosa Remembrance  'Harxampton' F 4L £12.00
Rosa rugosa 'Alba' Ru 4L £12.00
Rosa rugosa rubra Ru 4L £12.00
Rosa Troika  'Poumidor' HT 4L £12.00
Rosa Waltz Time 4L £12.00
Rosa xanthina 'Canary Bird' S 4L £12.00

Grenville Nurseries



Cow Watering Lane





Our business hours

Monday - Thursday08:30 - 17:00
Friday08:30 - 19:00
Saturday09:00 - 17:00
Sunday10:00 - 17:00

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+44 1245 420400 +44 1245 420400

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